Friday, August 5, 2011

Mom, where's my new car? Check your dreams, honey!

I took this entire past week off. Being the nerd that I am, I threw all options of having fun out the window and tried to get our house ready for the market. All our little place really needed was a good ole’ basement clearing, garage scrubbing and random fourth bedroom staging. Now, I think we can throw a sign in the yard and see what happens.

Sounds so easy, right?

Of course we don’t need to move. Something just a bit larger will do; I don’t want too much to clean. And a new space will definitely need to have the same high level of charm and character we currently enjoy (i.e. old and goofy). The drawbacks in our current home include the lack of multiple bathrooms, and both closet and garage space. So, if we can beef up those areas in a new place, we’ll be set. Because I can’t spend one more day applying mascara in front of a 6” wide round mirror perched up in a linen cabinet. Ghetto.

So if we are able to sell our little nugget on Arden, where do we go next? Therein lays the debate.

Schools. Where do we want our son starting kindergarten, continuing on through middle school and then ultimately graduating? Obviously, he is just 13 months old and only cares about Pepperidge Farm Goldfish and Handy Manny. But if we move, it’s for good. For a while, anyway. And undoubtedly the next few years will go by fast and he soon will be begging for a Cars 7 back-pack and a new, sassy Gymboree outfit for the first day of school.

Oh wait, I have a boy. They don’t end up caring about clothing ever, do they?

Anyway, Columbus has a crazy amount of options when it comes to neighborhoods and school districts. A part of me would be just fine with finding a cool Craftsman in one of the nearby ravines and trying out the public schools for a few years. Can’t hurt to try. We love how diverse our downtown daycare is, so let’s continue the trend. And if we check the public schools out and they are iffy, we look into private options. Because a year of private elementary school most likely will only be half of what we are paying now for infant care. Savings (and Target), here we come!

Or… we could move to Worthington. Or Upper Arlington. Or Grandview. A bit more in property taxes, but schools are included. Although, I haven’t seen a house for sale in Grandview since Gibby’s on Third shut down. Must be in protest. They had the best chicken sandwich.

Essentially, it all boils down to Diversity vs. Central Columbus location vs. Extra-Curriculars vs. Quality of Education vs. What kinds of cars Mac will have to park alongside in high school. Because seriously, even if we win the lottery, the kid is not getting a BMW when he turns 16. But, since I’m a cool mom, he can go all out on a fancy new back-pack.

I’m sure wherever we end up, we will find the right schools once our kid(s) is/are ready to start getting edjumakated. Until then, join the debate and give me your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. We are currently living in Cincinnati Public Schools. There is a stellar montessori elementary just minutes from our house...that you have to literally camp out for--for 3 nights minimum--to get a spot. The high school our kids would attend is ranked nationwide. And they would grow up with diversity (it's sad that really, anyone reading this knows I mean "people that aren't just white"--something I didn't grow up with, but I think is really quite important!)

    But I'm not totally sold on the neighborhood, and building a house seems so...dreamy at this point. If we have a third child, game on, we're moving because we'll be out of bedrooms. Maybe that'll just be my plan, and off to the vanilla suburbs we'll go. :o)
